Friday, September 23, 2016

32 bit vs 64 bit ?

If you ever tried to buy an intensive application online like adobe photoshop or auto cad,you're going to get a question that most of us just choose to ignore.Do you want the 32-bit download or the 64-bit one ? What does that even mean ?

What are bits ?

The number of bits in a processor refers to the size of the data types that it handles and the size of its registry. A 64-bit processor is capable of storing 264 computational values, including memory addresses, which means it’s able to access over four billion times as much physical memory than a 32-bit processor!

Is that the only difference between them though ?

Other than the fact each type of processor handles different amount of data values, also they're different in how they interact with the RAM,like for example a 64-bit processor uses it's unique technologies while connecting with the RAM,that's why more memory is required in its case,However,the 32 bit is not as sophisticated.

If the processeor is the one that's labeled 64 bit why do we have games, software and operating systems that are labeled like that ?

It all comes down tot the point that a 64-bit operating system can increase the capabilities of a processor drastically, the real jump in power comes from software designed with this architecture in mind.Applications with high performance demands already take advantage of the increase in available memory. This is especially useful on programs that can store a lot of information for immediate access, like image editing,games, games  and software that opens multiple large files at the same time.

Through hardware emulation, it’s possible to run 32-bit software and operating systems on a machine with a 64-bit processor. The opposite isn’t true however, in that 32-bit processors cannot run software designed with 64-bit architecture in mind.That's one of the reasons why 64-bit processors are all over the market, even in the smallest devices we own- smartphones.


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